This policy applies to the 18th Edition Courses provided by, classroom based training provided by and 18th Edition Exam Delivery.
We aim to give you an excellent experience when dealing with us, so we welcome your comments, suggestions, compliments and feedback about the service you have experienced when contacting us or when using any of our products or services.
2.1. A complaint is an expression of dissatisfaction from you about our products, services or the complaints handling process itself, where it’s clear that you expect us to identify the cause of the problem and to take some kind of remedial action.
2.2. It is not possible to provide a definitive list of examples of complaints, but the following are examples of situations that would constitute a complaint:
3.1. A formal complaints should be made when informal communication to solve your concern has reached an impasse. At this stage a formal complaint should be sent in writing or by email, outlining the events as seen by your (the complainant), where you believe failure has occurredwith either service or procedure and what you would like to happen to settle the complaint equitably. Please ensure that you provide your name and address and email address used for any account.
3.1. We will confirm receipt of your complaint and a Director, who has no prior involvement with you, will be appointed to investigate and respond to your complaint with 14 days.
Once we have completed our investigation, we will explain what went wrong and why, apologise when it is appropriate and take action to remedy the situation as soon as possible.
If you are not satisfied with the outcome of your complaint, you can contact the appropriate regulator providing evidence that you have instigated our complaints procedure in the first instance.
Except in exceptional circumstances, we will keep your complaint confidential but in some cases the circumstances giving rise to the complaint may make it impossible to maintain confidentiality. In these situations we will discuss this with you.
All complaints are reported and reviewed internally. They are also reviewed by the board of directors at their quarterly meeting
We aim to improve our business processes and our response to customers in the light of learning from the feedback we receive.
This policy shall be the subject of a three year review cycle or as necessary.
Policy Agreed by the Board of Directors 15/10/18
Next review to commence in 2021